Are you annoyed with the number of stretch marks present on your skin? Did that last pregnancy produce a lot of these marks that you hate the appearance of your skin? Then you should try looking for ways on how to get rid of these scars and restore your flawless looking skin.
One easy way that you can try to get rid of stretch marks is by using a stretch mark cream made specifically for this purpose. These creams work by stimulating cell regeneration so that scar tissue may be replaced by newer cells. Aside from this, it also tries to make your scars lighter, so that it becomes less visible to the naked eye. You will have to closely inspect the skin before these marks will be seen.
Cocoa butter is another kind of cream that is more commonly used for getting rid of stretch marks. Although it is not proven in laboratories as to how they work, many people are still relying on this cream to lighten the appearance of stretch marks and to help prevent them from forming in the first place as well.
Massaging a scar may seem like a weird thing to do but some people do this as they claim that this helps break down the scar tissue. This way, the body can better eliminate the scars and replace them with younger cells. One thing to keep in mind is that this method may work better for newer scars as they have only formed and may not be as hard to break down compared to long-standing scars.
If you want to permanently get rid of these scars from your skin, then you have no choice but to spend a lot of money on the more expensive yet proven procedures. Microdermabrasion can eliminate scars permanently as the layer of your skin where the scar is located will be removed. This way, any scars attached to the skin will be removed as well.
Laser treatment works similarly to microdermabrasion as it burns away the scar tissue left behind on your skin. The only difference is that it does not affect your other normal skin cells thus no harm is done to your normal skin. You won't have to deal with the pain of having sensitive skin after the procedure.
These are a lot of choices that you can choose from in order to get rid of stretch marks and other scars on your skin. The cheaper methods can make your scars less visible but they cannot totally remove these from your skin. If you want to make them disappear completely, then you have to be ready to spend a lot of money.
Among all of the methods of removing stretch marks, the most reasonable way of doing it is by using stretch mark creams. this has been proven to make stretch marks less visible and has other properties that cocoa butter does not have. You also won't have to spend a lot of money on getting results that are not as different from microdermabrasion or laser treatments.